Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rules of the game that I usually don't follow but should.

A man is simple. He thinks in black and white and with his dick. He either a.) likes you, or b.) doesn't. If he likes you, he WILL make it work. If he doesn't, get over it.

Girls these days are just DUMB. You know what makes a man want you? Not making it obvious that you drive by his house on the regular.

There isn't much to it honestly, yet girls twist and transform every little spec of information they can get their paws on. Stop talking about it. Stop over-analyzing. It will get you nowhere because in most instances, what the man said is EXACTLY what he meant. There's really no use to try and "reach deeper". Guys don't think that hard about stuff.

If a dude breaks up with you, move the fuck on. I know this because I've been there, and I have made all the mistakes. You go through the drunken slut phase, the stalking phase, the "I'm actually totally sober now and doing sooo well for myself that I have to let everybody know about it so it will get back to my ex and he'll want me back" phase. The worst thing you can do is make it really fucking obvious how miserable you are. My best advice: Get really skinny, get your hair and nails done, and walk around looking hot everywhere you go. Be respectable. Don't make it painfully obvious to all of Facebook that you miss the shit out of your ex boyfriend. And never, I mean NEVER beg. Begging is lame. If you feel the need to literally BEG for what you want, that can't be good for you.

For girls who are trying to get a dude, here is my advice. If you've let him know you're into it and he has not made the steps to follow- HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU LIKE THAT. Stop trying. Be cool, chill out and find someone else. Don't be desperate, it is the most unflattering shade on a woman.

I do think it's good for a lady to be bold though. If you see a dude that you want, hit on him. Make the first move. Whatever. Just be able to get the point if it doesn't go the way you want it to.

Another tip: Don't be that jealous girl. Jealousy is gross. It makes you look really unsexy and retarded.

Also: Don't be that drunk girl.

If a guy really digs you, he will make sure to always text you back. He won't leave you hanging, he won't leave you feeling confused, he'll make it perfectly clear that you are his number one lady. He will want to be with you all the time. He won't talk to other bitches, hang out with other bitches, or cheat on you with other bitches. If a guy is NOT doing this, you should NOT be wasting your time. Simple as that.

I just see sooo many girls getting sooo butthurt over guys, and it's really not worth it. That is clearly just not the man for you. There are others. Don't shit your pants over it. Be classy and shut up.