Monday, January 25, 2010

I don't know why.

Every time I try
I end up falling in a trash can
By the end of the night

Smear my lipstick
Against the wall
Of a red-lit bathroom stall

See your face in him
It makes me dizzy
Trying to stay busy

What's your last name
What's your first name
Took a stranger home

And I don't know why
Every time I try
I end up falling in a trash can

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Wished that you would give a fuck
If I talked to other men
If I made a move to spite you
But nothing phased you in the end

And you were always on the fence
Hope you know I never second-guessed
All the time that you spent getting high
Guess that I was second best

Just too young to see the signs
You had a love affair with little white lines
I wanted you for you
You wanted me to pass the time

We only fucked as a distraction
Disguise the lack of satisfaction
Watched you tear the room apart
It's all a chain reaction

When you hit bottom you decided
To live your life the way that I did
You'd think for the time I stuck around
I might have been invited

Now I don't have much to say
Guess you never really knew me
For the hell I must have put you through
Way to stick it to me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I got bored. This entertainted me.

Annoying things:

- Not having nail polish remover and trying to pry that shit off when you know it ain't happenin'.

- Not being able to kill a moth when it's flying around your tiny workspace and kinda scares the shit out of you.... and it WON'T DIE.

- Nights when no matter how much you drink you can't get drunk.

- Realizing you need to get gas.

- When your mom asks you stupid questions. Or brings up the fact that your account is withdrawn, or that you just spent all your money on clothes when you need to pay your $500 electric bill. (I love you mom) :)

- When it's raining and you're trying to smoke a cigarette.

- Standing under a cover and getting that ONE, HUGE raindrop right, smack dab in the middle of your face. Or down your shirt.

- When something happens that makes you feel very nervous and you have no more cigarettes.

- Dealing with real life.

- Bad phone/wireless reception.

- When your rockies aren't "blue".

- When someone tells you there's something on your face and no matter how hard you try to get it off you are always rubbing the wrong place.

- Customers that don't tip. And YES you are supposed to.

- When you wonder why musical artist's add synth to their song and all of a sudden they're famous.

- Getting broken up with by someone uglier than you are.

- When there's NO place to park. And it's raining. And everyone is driving a Kia.

- When you overdraft your account on a yogurt. Don't you love $35 yogurts? Me too.

- Places like the "Cha Cha" that have red light and make your red lips look pale.

- People who put walnuts in cookies.

- Smelly balls.

- When you find a really hot guy and he has a small penis.

- When you've tuned both guitars and somehow they're STILL sounding out of tune. And for some reason you don't have a tuner.

- Getting coughing attacks when you're making coffee for prude customers who will totally tell your boss.

- Dirty carpets.

- Really hyper dogs. Like Jack Russell Terriers.

- Babies who don't stop crying and their mom's are oblivious. Basically, just other people's kids in general.

- Guys that don't get the hint.

- Spending $300 bucks on four items. And then wearing them every day. Because, of course, you're gonna "see different people".

- Small talk.

- When you wear fake eyelashes all the time and then don't have them one day and realize you feel really ugly.

- Really hairy men. Shave. Wax. Get the job done.

- When a really good song comes on that you're feelin and you're with someone who sucks ass at singing but thinks they're good and they try to sing to it and ruin it for you.

- People who copy you.

- Getting lost when you "totally know how to get here".

- Getting hit on by 7-11 workers when you're in a really bad mood.

- Songs that suck. And people who like them.

- Opening your fridge and seeing a jar of pickles, an expired container of jam, and some mini condiments you took from Taco Time.

- Being on your period.

- Not being on your period when you're supposed to be.

- Bikers. Your fat ass can't go as fast as the rest of the cars, get over it. They make bike lanes for a reason.

- People who give you shit for making lists like this.

- Doing math. Ever.

- Self-righteous religious people. Shut up. No one cares.

- Flaky drug dealers. Hahhahhaha.

- No clean underwear.

- Dropping your phone in a toilet.

- Not being inspired.

- When you're in sixth grade and you go to people's houses and their parents are really stingy on what you can and can't eat. And they have no good snack foods.

- Being paid minimum wage.

- Feeling like you're balding.

- Girls who wear Juicy. And carry Coach purses. Get original, bitch. You remind me of high school.

- People who can't decipher between "your" and "you're". Or "there", "their" and "they're". FUCKING LEARN IT. IT ANNOYS ME SOOOO BAD.

- People who give you shit for being on Facebook a lot. Look, you wouldn't know I was if you weren't.

- Talking about your friend's awesome sex lives when you don't have one.

- Being broke as shit.

- People who wear high-waters. Ever realized you may be too tall for those puppies?

- Bushy brows. On girls. On guys it's fabulous.

- Really ugly, fat girls who tell you "you're just jealous". Trrrrrust me.....

- Being alone.

- Stepping in dog piss/shit.

- West Seattle, and pretty much everyone in it.

- People who walk too slow in front of you. These long legs walk FAST. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY.

- Malls.

- People who don't speak English in the U.S. Look, I'm not mean. You just make me feel awkward. And I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU. Why are you talking to me???? We are not on the same level. Clearly.

- High and mighty music people. Maybe I don't know as much as you on the subject of music, but don't "test" me. I like what I like.

- People with bad tattoos who think they know EVERYTHING about tattoos because they got a tribal band or the word "love" in Chinese.

- Being cold.

- Natural beauty. I'm just jealous.

- Other people's relationships when you're not in one. Again, I'm just jealous.

- Burning yourself.

- People who try to get attention off other people's problems.

- Band-aids. They're really gross when you take them off. Ew.

- People who share things like string cheese, gum, or milk.

- When you make out with a guy and they use way too much tongue. God.

- Feet.

- Courtesy laughing to lame shit.

- People with B.O. Deoderant? It would totally solve that, hippie.

- People who are way too tan. Everything in moderation my friends.

- Girls you demean you with the terms "hun" or "sweetie".

- Guys that wear pink shirts. EVER.

- When you run out of hot water in the shower.

- Not having a boy around to kill the spider.

- When you're watching a movie and 3/4 of the way the shit skips.

- Wind fucking up your hair.

- Wearing rings when you wanna wash your hands.

- Shitty pours by shitty bartenders.

- Waiters who don't refill your Diet Coke. Or who don't offer you water.

- When you're eating carrots, and one tastes REALLY bad. This always happens.

- Going on a date, and the boy not offering to pay. You took me. You pay. Chivalry's SO not dead. You're a pussy if you think otherwise.

- People who talk to their boyfriends/girlfriends like babies. MOST ANNOYING THING EVERRRRR. OMG.

- Another is too much P.D.A. I have NEVER done this.

- People who can't take a shot of something and wanna drink some purple murple bullshit. Tequila please. Whiskey. Anything.

- Picky, PICKY eaters. Get over it.

- When guys don't know how to fuck.

- Stubbing your toe. AHHHHH!

- People that "correct". You know, what if I DIDN'T mean that? What if, maybe, you GOT THE POINT???

- Homophobes. Trying to hide something? ;)

- People who don't appreciate art. I don't understand that.

- Moshers at concerts, when it's totally inappropriate to be doing so.

Aaaaaand.... that's it for now.