Sunday, April 17, 2011

Emotional Eater.

Below I have a list of human emotions, and the relationship each has with food.

-Anxiety over upcoming events->The feeling of stress->Food of every kind enters the mouth at every second of the day.

-Getting dumped->The feeling of stress/heartache->Only coffee, cigarettes, alcohol and/or your preference of drugs will be consumed for the next 3-6 weeks. Absolutely no food except the bare minimum needed to stay alive will be consumed.

-The use of adderall/cocaine/ecstasy/every drug besides marijuana->Temporary feelings of life being perfect->One will most likely be disgusted by the thought of food of any kind. When consumed, food will mimic the feeling of eating sand. After said drug has worn off, one will experience a feeling of unbearable hunger and will proceed to consume anything/everything available.

-The honeymoon stage->The feeling of being in love->Food will only be eaten when the other party eats, so that they don't think you're weird. Inside, though, the nervous-excited-poopy feeling is happening constantly making it impossible to find any interest in food whatsoever.

-Being in a serious relationship->Feelings of unconditional love/boredom/everyday stress->Regular-large amounts of food will be consumed. Mostly a lot of snacking. Late at night preferably.

-Pregnancy->Feelings of annoyance/stress/outbursts of love and happiness/exhaustion/fits of emotion/crying fits/lack of sex drive/too much sex drive/feeling fat/a baby growing inside you->One will consume extremely large meals, then get really full, really quickly. Only to discover, thirty minutes later that they are starving once again.

-Seeing yourself on video->Feelings of self-hatred/extreme vanity/self-loathing/disgust/anxiety/anger/rage->Everything and anything will be eaten that day, as it is going to be the last day you ever eat again.

-Coming down from any drug->Feelings of extreme exhaustion/possible sudden death/total depression/paranoia/sadness/anger/a loss of interest for pretty much everything even puppies->Large glasses of milk, big bowls of fruit, and anything that your mom may have once cooked you for breakfast will be consumed, as to make you feel like you are still the child you once were, and if not that, at least a normal, functioning human being.

-Boredom->Feelings of boredom->Food is pretty much the only thing around worthy of counting on.

-Recent weight loss->Feelings of total elation/true and real happiness/all is right in the world/nothing can bring you down/the sun is shining everywhere/everyone wants to be you/gratefulness just to be living->Eating food becomes enjoyable, since one has zero desire to go overboard.

-Hearing your ex has moved on->Feelings of hatred/rage/hellish doom/anxiety ridden panic attacks/utter depression/annoyance/urge to kill->Any food that was once consumed will immediately and forcefully be spewed out of one's mouth through the act of making oneself vomit.

-Being single for a long period of time->Feelings of boredom/loneliness/horniness->The act of yo-yo dieting will occur, pretty much every day.

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