Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I miss the good old days when I wasn't born but it seemed like a nice time.

I love the world. I really do. There is so much beauty in it and I am a very lucky girl to be born in America. I understand this. But... that doesn't mean I can't talk a little shit sometimes. Because, well, I can. So I will.

The people this day-and-age are downright STUPID. Not to say that people have not been stupid since the beginning of time, because they have. I mean shit. Eve ate some forbidden apple or some shit and ruined it for all of us. But it seems these days, trash has reached it's ultimate height.

Let's take music, for instance. That is, if we can call it that. I just typed in "top musical artists of 2009" on Google. My first three results came up as: Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber (who the fuck are YOU?), and Lil' Wayne. So basically, the majority of our population idolizes a transvestite, a two-year-old, and a crackhead.

And don't even get me STARTED on Miley Cyrus. She embodies everything I hate about anything.

What has happened to REAL music? REAL people with REAL voices who play REAL instruments? What has happened to fame being based upon the fact that you are truly a great musician? These days, fame is just based on how attractive you are, how well you can shake your ass, and how well you can electronically distort your voice. I turn on the radio and I am disgusted. I can't even listen to it. We don't even have music videos anymore for christ's sake. All MTV consists of now are shows about chads dating moms and fat girls on quests to become cheerleaders. It's all a bunch of garbage. Remember when MTV used to play music videos almost all day? Nowadays they only play them at five o'clock in the morning. Trust me, it is not pleasant to be woken up hearing Ke$ha's synthesized piece of shit excuse for a one-hit-wonder. "I'm talkin pedicure on our toes toes, tryin on all our clothes clothes, boys blowin' up our phones phones". Lyrical genius right there.

I'm not a self-righteous music person, either. I like what I like and I don't put down other people's tastes in music.... there is still a lot of good music out there and I appreciate anyone who is actually talented. I don't hate....that is, UNLESS your taste in music would be found on a NOW867457987 C.D. Well, then you just need to be schooled. And speaking of NOW C.D.'s... when the fuck are they going to stop making those?

And it's not just music. It's our culture. It's the way we act these days. Girls toss themselves around like pieces of meat, and dudes walk around like rabid dogs in heat. That rhymed, probably better than anything Ke$ha has ever come up with in her life. (But then again, how would she know? The record companies write her shitty shit anyway). We have kind of become dogs in heat, all of us. Just wandering around looking for people to mate with.

Our country is full of fat slobs with no manners. I know I sound cynical, and I am. Because it's true. There's a McDonalds on every corner. There's a Starbucks on every corner. We want our shit and we want it NOW. We want to fill our fat bellies as fast as humanly possible or else we are going to fucking die. We don't got all day, you know. That Wii is waiting for us at home and it needs to be nurtured A.S.A.P.

Technology is a wonderful thing, and I am amazed by it. It has done a lot of good, and bad. I am totally addicted to Facebook and I know it. Now that I have a laptop there is really never a time when I am not on it. And don't even try to judge, because you know you're updating your status from your iphone as we speak. I see Facebook arise in everyday conversations much more than I am comfortable with. And I am usually a part of these conversations, so that sucks.

Technology has made things extremely easy for us, and it's nice. Remember when people only had house phones? Calling a guy you liked was always super nerve-racking, especially since their mom would always pick up the phone. Now it's straight TEXTING. I don't mind it, I hate talking on the phone. It's really awkward. But there is a point when it becomes a little TOO MUCH.

Oprah had a show the other day solely focused on "texting while driving" and all the families it has destroyed because of the people killed in car accidents due to texting. I mean, really??? Get off your phones people. I mean, there are really enough deaths due to TEXTING, that OPRAH herself is practically basing her life around destroying it. There's a time and a place, that's all I'm sayin'.

And let me just put this out there.... ppL whO tYp liEk diSSS r idiOTz.

Let's just all chill a little bit. Maybe try to have some real human interaction once in awhile. Listen to music that doesn't suck. Treat each other with respect. Ya know?

With that said, let's all get back on Facebook now.