Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall/Winter- Good Feelings.

The sound the heat makes when it turns on. When it gets dark at like six and everyone's lives slow down and you feel excitement in your bones because you have found a new TV show to invest in for the months to come. Coffee shops advertisements over pumpkin spice lattes. The thought of drinking one and how it makes you feel like everything is right in the world. Buying those 99 cent pairs of gloves and the feeling of amazing warmness when you're freezing to death but you have gloves on and your hands are in your pockets at the same time. Sitting inside a heated car in the middle of a snowstorm. Halloween decorations going up in like August. Buying Halloween candy and pretending you're going to put it in cute glass bowls around your house for when "company" comes over, but you know you're just going to eat the shit out of it at 3 o'clock in the morning when the calories don't count. Buying the newest variation of peacoat from Nordstrom. Putting up Christmas decorations and getting concerned because it is making you way too happy and you think that maybe this is going to lead to some kind of hoarding issue in the future. The fat rolls you've acquired that nobody can see. Going Downtown during Christmas time and seeing movies with your boyfriend or really anyone that will have you. Seattle going back to normal- people are grumpy, it's rainy and cold, the beach is empty, and you are totally 100% overjoyed about it.

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