Friday, April 9, 2010

You're comin' up roses everywhere you go.

Why is it that it is notorious among creative people to get addicted to heroin and kill themselves?

Some of the most brilliant musicians, artists, poets, and artistically great minds of our century were all-in-all stumbling drunks, dope fiends and depressed ass hermit mother fuckers.

While it makes absolutely no sense, it also makes complete sense. I can understand it because I was born with a creative brain.

Creative people are usually right-brained. They tend to think and process things differently than other people. While left-brained people tend to think more logically and analytically, right-brained people tend to be more imaginative, absent-minded. They tend to act on emotion and impulse. Not to say it's a black and white situation. Many people use both sides of their brain intertwined, but it is common when the right part of the brain is more dominant, to result in certain tendencies.

I may sound a little biased, but knowing how my own brain works I can completely understand why the majority of artistic geniuses of our time were all fucked up. It's a simple cycle that all boils down to one undeniable factor: inspiration.

Being inspired is a drug all on it's own. Nothing compares to it. When I am on a full-blown inspirational kick I could probably fucking fly. The problem is, inspiration can be futile. It comes when it damn well pleases, and for a lot of people it doesn't come nearly enough.

Result? Drug use. I'm not implying that I condone it, I'm simply being realistic. There is nothing more powerful than drugs to stimulate inspiration. Drugs can open up once unused parts of the brain. Thoughts and words and artistic flow we didn't even know we were capable of can all-of-a-sudden just "appear".

With the way my brain works, I am constantly looking for stimulation. In anything. I am somewhat level-headed, so it's not likely that I will ever hop on the heroin train. But I can see why people do. I doubt myself constantly. I often lack motivation and confidence, resulting in nothing getting done. And take it from me, when a creative person doesn't use their creativity they feel, in a sense, doomed. So what's the solution? Well, a couple drinks would sure help. Add money, fame, and infinite glorification into the mix and what's stopping you from self-medicating into an inspirational heavenly bliss?

Once this inspirational heavenly bliss is introduced, it becomes the key to success. The only way. And we all know what drugs lead to- nothing. After enough time, you become depressed trying to constantly reach that level of inspirational heavenly bliss. You enter relationships that end up failing, you feel like shit, and your fame either fades, or you end it all at the peak of your success. You stab yourself in the heart or get shot by your girlfriend.

With that said, it is clearly understandable how such amazing people fell to the wayside. Yet it is undeniably a cowardly and unfair use of talent. Talent is talent, with or without the use of substances. It can be a frustrating journey when you feel uninspired. It can feel hopeless. But it seems to me that you were given your brain for a reason, and it is supposed to work the way it does. I hate my brain sometimes. Sometimes I just wish I had more. Something else to say, something better. But the passion is still in me. It's in all of us. We just need to find other ways to channel it. I never want to end up literally drinking myself to death because I couldn't find any other way to be inspired. It seems like a cop-out.

I hope to God for myself, and the majority of other artistic people out there, that we can use our talents in good ways, ways that will benefit us without leaving us in a suicidal drug-induced fog at the end of our lives. I think it's completely possible. Though I may doubt myself at times, I know I am capable of making it in this world.

Need inspiration? Don't do drugs. Just get dumped. I wrote a lot of good songs.
