Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Ants: Ants are probably the most pointless bug. WHY do we have ants? I often wonder this. What, so anteaters can eat them? When was the last time you heard of an anteater being necessary for any reason? A piece of chicken dropped on the ground this morning, five minutes later I go to pick it up and throw it away and a big ass colony of ants had found their fucking breakfast. So now there's a crawling piece of chicken on the ground. Are you kidding me? Ants are like the polygamist families of people. You know there's one dude ant that gets all the girl ants prego and they just have tons and tons of kids. Then when they find a piece of chicken they all have to tell the rest of the fucking community about it so they can all come together and feast.

Bees: Bees make honey. In my opinion, I'd sacrifice honey for the extinction of bees.

Flies: I compare flies to the stupid people of this world. Their big fat bodies fly around the room in circles for hours at a time, bumping and crashing into windows and never finding their way out. Even if you leave a window or door open the fly will not be able to figure its way out of the room. Flies do nothing for this world but bother people. They don't even contribute anything except being food for spiders. Which leads me to my next point....

Spiders: Spiders eat flies. I get it. "Don't kill the spider because it eats all the bad bugs!" Well how about if there WEREN'T any bad bugs to begin with we wouldn't fucking need spiders now would we? Spiders are the worst. Hands down the worst. Some of them are small and dumb and when you get close enough they just kind of freeze and you can smash the shit out of them with a shoe. Those ones I can deal with. It's the giant smart ones that I really hate. You know they've got these massive brains and they're all just trying to fuck with us. You know they're thinking, "this bitch killed my cousin last week... ima climb in her bed tonight and when she wakes up ima be sittin on her chest. Then when she freaks out and tries to kill me, ima crawl away as fast as I can and hide in a crevice in the wall. Or ima crawl somewhere really high up that she can't reach and just stare at her for the rest of the day. I will not move from this spot for days at a time, just so I can mock her. If she ever gets smart and tries to spray me down with Windex ima just sit here and not die. Cuz I'm fucking invincible and I'm so big and fat that even the toxic shit that could kill a human won't kill me."

Moths: Moths are fucking disgusting. Any bug that makes a large crash when it hits something is not a bug I'm a fan of. Moths, like flies, are fucking stupid. They just fly around looking for light sources. I'd compare them to like, a really horny dude at a party trying to get laid. Just searching and searching and searching the room for somewhere to land.

Cockroaches: Even though they got a deceivingly cool name, they are not cool. They infest themselves in dirty fucking places and populate like wildfire. They're like a big group of ICP raver kids. They all hang out together and pretend to be homeless. Then they hang out in the grossest possible places and squirm around with each other.


  1. I know you dislike them but bees are necessary for more than just honey. Pollenation of plants is just one of the things if they died a lot of things would die. And the other insects while insignificant seeming actually provide a valuable service to this planet. Ants break down matieral and help fertlize the soil, flys are also decomposers, of dead things as they come from maggots. Spiders are population control. I don't really know about moths or cockroaches but killing off anything completely regardless of the annoyance would throw off the entire ecosystem. Butterfly effect, kill one species affect hundreds.

  2. I mean I understand the logistics but I hate bugs and they all need to die.

  3. Yeah and nerds are useful for solving diseases and sending us into space but that doesn't mean I want to make out with them.

  4. http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/lord-ants/ check it out.
