Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to live life and not be an asshole at the same time.

DO: Be straight-edge.
DON'T: Shove it in everyone's faces. For example, "Hey man, want a beer?" "What the fuck man, I'm straight-edge I don't do things like that."

DO: Be vegan.
DON'T: Continuously tell meat eaters about the slow and painful death of pigs in factories.

DO: Be knowledgeable about music.
DON'T: Be that high-and-mighty music kid. This includes questioning others on the names of albums, appearing shocked when one has not heard of "this band" or "that band", trying to convince people that Pink Floyd is the best band that ever lived and getting furious when someone disagrees, making others feel ashamed because they don't know about the fucking indie bands you listen to.

DO: Rock your own style.
DON'T: Turn yourself into a walking grandma/grandpa.

DO: Be in a band and be proud of it.
DON'T: Make yourself look like a douche by never shutting up about it.

DO: Be a non-smoker.
DON'T: Warn smokers about the health risks of smoking. THEY KNOW.

DO: Stand firm in your beliefs.
DON'T: Push them on everyone.

DO: Cocaine once at a party.
DON'T: Buy eight balls from Jermaine who's a friend of a friend of a friend and then do them alone at 2 o'clock in the morning with Jermaine because he's the only human around that will hang out with you.

DO: Have a couple cocktails.
DON'T: Have a couple cocktails, eight shots of Jager, twelve beers, and three Four Lokos on a Tuesday afternoon at brunch.

DO: Get tattoos.
DON'T: Get tattoos IF: you are going to be worried that it's going to hurt, everyone else is doing it, you just turned 18, you're 17 but this guy you know will do them out of his house, you are going to bring in your own shitty drawing and be a picky mother fucker, you are worried more about how much it's going to cost than how good of a tattoo you're going to get, you don't know what you want, you don't have any tattoos but want your knuckles done so you can look badass, the shop you're at will actually tattoo your knuckles when you don't have any other tattoos, you want your boyfriend/girlfriend's name.

DO: Crazy things in bed.
DON'T: Brag about it.

DO: Smoke weed.
DON'T: Smoke yourself stupid.

DO: Ecstasy every once in a blue moon.
DON'T: Do ecstasy weekly or buy pills from sketchy dudes.

DO: Be conscious of your weight and looking good.
DON'T: Tell others exactly what you ate today and ask them if "that's bad".

DO: Be a trust fund kid.
DON'T: Act like a trust fund kid.

DO: Drink pop.
DON'T: Call it soda.

DO: Have a Facebook.
DON'T: Use it to let everyone know how miserable you are. Examples, "Another night alone, I'm so sick of not having someone to sleep next to me *tear*".

DO: Get fake tits.
DON'T: Do it because someone told you you should.

DO: Go tanning.
DON'T: Be orange.

DO: Be generous with gifts and money when you feel like you want to.
DON'T: Keep score.

DO: Follow politics and vote.
DON'T: Get mad at me if I choose not to.

DO: Work hard.
DON'T: Continuously whine about how tired you are all the time.

DO: Have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
DON'T: Talk about them 24/7 or relate every given topic back to them.

DO: Get a credit card to build credit.
DON'T: Get a credit card to "build credit" then use it to support your shopping habit or get talked into leasing a car that you will be paying off for the rest of your life.

DO: Take compliments when they are given.
DON'T: Fish for compliments.

DO: Dance.
DON'T: Freak dance.

DO: Thumbs down.
DON'T: Flip the bird.

DO: Be green.
DON'T: Scold everyone around you for not recycling.

DO: Treat yourself.
DON'T: Forget to tip.

DO: Buy everyone a round.
DON'T: Buy everyone around when you're blackout drunk.

DO: Sometimes forget to make your bed.
DON'T: Live in an episode of Hoarders.

DO: Laugh with people.
DON'T: Laugh at people.

DO: Flirt.
DON'T: Flirt with someone's significant other.

DO: Go to college.
DON'T: Piss away your parent's money.

DO: Take days off.
DON'T: Collect unemployment when you're perfectly capable of getting another job.

DO: Get paid for modeling.
DON'T: Pay people to take pictures of you and then call yourself a model.


  1. very nice all too often people overlook the small things

  2. This made me giggle cause I know more people that do the don't parts than the dos

  3. i know you don't know me directly, but i know felicia hehe...
    may i borrow this? i promise to link your blog and give you credit...
    this sums up so much of what is in my head... however i lack the awesomeness of how this was put together.
    Love this blog post. :)

  4. Hey thanks! And yeah as long as you link it to my blog I don't see why not! =)
